Many refer to veneers as “Instant Orthodontics”. Think you need braces? You can obtain a substantial aesthetic effect with a veneer and minimal tooth preparation. A dental veneer is a thin layer of synthetic material (porcelain or composite) that bonds to the tooth’s surface. Veneers are a great alternative to otherwise painful dental procedures to improve the appearance of your smile. Common problems that Veneers will address:
We make room for the veneers by removing a small amount of enamel. The thickness of the veneers is equal to the thickness of your tooth enamel. The veneer will replace the tooth enamel on the teeth that will receive the treatment.
Dental veneers require no special care or maintenance other than the practice of good oral hygiene. Flossing and brushing just as you would do with your natural teeth is all that’s required. However, there are some things that you should know about dental veneers. You are still able to get cavities if you don’t care for your teeth, even if you have veneers. Veneers are not reversible and if they chip or crack they are not repairable. You may also experience more sensitivity to both hot and cold foods and drinks as a result of the enamel being removed from your teeth. Plus, the veneers may not match your natural tooth coloring. However, on the upside, they have a natural appearance and aren’t irritating to the gums. Veneers usually don’t require a lot of shaping like crowns do but are extremely strong and resilient.
Our office is in-network with all major insurance providers. Please bring your insurance card to each appointment so we can make sure your information is as up-to-date as possible. If you do not find your insurance provider here; please call at (407) 809-8973 for clarity.